News Bulletin for June 2017

Digital portal for disease surveillance The Poultry Disease Management Agency’s (PDMA) main focus is to protect the national flock through surveillance, monitoring and management of diseases which threaten the health of the flock and food security. This it does...

News Bulletin for November 2015

The engagement between PDMA and the government is working well. The PDMA in collaboration DAFF Veterinary Public Health (VPH) ran a successful pilot study of egg sampling, residue and microbial testing as a first step towards the development of a national residue and...

News Bulletin for February 2015

Forging ahead with PDMA It is only the beginning of 2015, and already at the Poultry Disease Management Agency, we have been hard at work following up on the projects from 2014 and starting new ones 2015. This is exciting for us since we will be able to provide you...

News Bulletin for November 2014

Beneficiary AI poultry disease discussion for State Vets   There are 16 known Influenza A virus hemagglutinin (HA) subtypes (H1-H16) and nine neuraminidase (NA) subtypes (N1-N9).  Infection causes a wide spectrum of symptoms in birds, ranging from mild...

News Bulletin for October 2014

There are only a few months left to the end of 2014. It seems however like January was only the other day and that there is still much to do before the end of the year. We have made some great strides in the work that was planned for this year. We most pleased with...